Co-working Space Management

Stay organized and increase productivity.

No credit card required

Benefits and use cases of co-working space management software

Co-working space management application includes features for managing members, reservations, billing, and resources such as meeting rooms and desks. 

Moreover, co working space management application also allows the operator to set up rules for resource availability, such as blocking off specific times for cleaning or maintenance. Additionally, the operator can also track payments made by members. 


Tenant Management:

Keep track of tenant information, such as contact details and lease agreement.

Rent Collection:

Easily manage and track rent payments. 

Maintenance Scheduling:

Schedule and track maintenance tasks for the property. 

Financial Reports:

Generate financial reports on the property’s income and expenses. 

Lease Management

Inspection of lease agreements and renewals. 

Unit Management: 

Manage units and monitor their availability status.